googlemaps Plan a route with multiple stops using the Routes API Using the Google Maps Routes API to create routes, get travel times, find alternate routes, avoid tolls and draw routes between multiple points.
googlemaps A developer's guide to the Google Routes API How to use the Google Maps Routes API to plan a route with multiple stops, get travel times, avoid tolls and search for places along a route.
googlemaps Google Navigation SDK standalone Add Google Maps maps turn by turn directions to your Android or iOS app with the new Google Nav SDK.
googlemaps Getting started with the Google Navigation SDK Build a basic in-app turn by turn navigation app for Android with the Google Navigation SDK.
googlemaps Google Maps Building Outlines and Entrances API How to use the new Google Maps Building Outlines and Entrances API to display building outline and entrance locations on a map.
googlemaps GMPRO docs: Complete all deliveries before pickups in cargo bike logistics Using the pickupToDeliveryTimeLimit feature in GMPRO to ensure that all deliveries are done before accepting new pickups.
googlemaps GMPRO docs: Driver breaks How to add driver breaks to a route using the Google Maps Platform Route Optimization API.
googlemaps GMPRO docs: Driver load balancing with soft constraints Ways to apply vehicle loads and capacities to distribute stops evenly using the softMaxLoad and costPerUnitAboveSoftMax fields.
googlemaps GMPRO docs: Solving the VRP with route clustering and soft constraints Using GMPRO's distanceLimit and softMaxMeters fields to cluster delivery routes optimally.
googlemaps GMPRO docs: Territory optimization and route planning How to use the costsPerVehicle parameter to build a territory optimization system with GMPRO.
googlemaps GMPRO docs: Fixed vehicle costs How to minimize the number of vehicles needed by adjusting fixed and variable costs in GMPRO.
googlemaps Fleet Routing App - free Google Maps route planner for multiple stops How to use the Google Maps free route planner to evaluate routes created in GMPRO.
googlemaps Google Maps route optimization: multi vehicle How to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with GMPRO, the new Google Maps route optimization API.
googlemaps GMPRO TSP solver: Google Maps with more than 25 waypoints How to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem with Google's latest route optimization API.
googlemaps GMPRO: Google Maps Platform Route Optimization API Everything you wanted to know about GMPRO but were afraid to ask. An introduction to the new Google Maps route optimization API.
googlemaps Google Places Text Search Using the Google Text Search API to help users quickly find places with simple, natural text queries.
googlemaps Google Nearby Search API How to use the Google Nearby Search API to find nearby places, businesses and points of interest.
googlemaps Google Place Details and Place Photos API Add place photos, reviews and ratings to your website with the Google Maps Place Details API and Place Photos API.
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googlemaps Finding the right place with the Google Places API How to use the Google Places API for address autocomplete, nearby search, and to retrieve place details.
googlemaps Google ODRD: Navigation SDK Add in-app turn by turn navigation to your driver app with the Google Nav SDK.
googlemaps Google Cloud Fleet Routing: CFR OptimizeTours API Cloud Fleet Routing Deep Dive - Hands on with CFR, Google's newest Route Optimization API.
googlemaps Google LMFS: Routes Preferred ComputeRouteMatrix API How to use the Google LMFS: Routes Preferred ComputeRouteMatrix API to return a matrix of distances and travel times.
googlemaps Google ODRD: Routes Preferred ComputeRoutes API Calling the Google ODRD: Routes Preferred ComputeRoutes API to get the fastest route between two points.
googlemaps Google Mobility: Working with Google ODRD, LMFS and Cloud Fleet Routing APIs How to use the Google Mobility suite of APIs to build ride share and delivery applications.